preventative measures to protect your finances

The Role Of Bankruptcy Attorneys In Safeguarding Homes Against Foreclosure

In the face of the daunting prospect of foreclosure, the assistance of an experienced bankruptcy lawyer can provide a glimmer of hope for homeowners seeking to regain their financial footing and retain their beloved properties. These legal professionals possess an intricate understanding of bankruptcy law, playing a pivotal role in helping individuals avoid foreclosure through a range of strategic measures. This article sheds light on the indispensable ways in which bankruptcy lawyers become allies in the battle to stave off foreclosure.   Read More...

Should You Protect Assets Or Income In Bankruptcy?

Claiming bankruptcy is all about protecting your finances. But bankruptcy cannot solve all financial problems, nor can it protect all your resources. Each debtor has to choose what they will prioritize and how they will do so. One of the biggest decisions is whether you will prioritize protecting your income or your assets. Here's what you need to know about both routes.  How to Protect Income Choosing Chapter 7 bankruptcy is one of the easiest ways to protect your income.   Read More...

Avoid 4 Common Reasons For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Denial

Most borrowers who file for Chapter 7, or liquidation, bankruptcy see their case to its completion successfully. However, a few find themselves denied for a variety of reasons. What are these? How can you avoid any problems that may lead to denial? And where can you get help navigating a successful case? Here's what you need to know about the four most common reasons for denial. 1. A Recent Bankruptcy   Read More...

How Your Company Can Use Out-Of-Court Restructuring And Bankruptcy To Alleviate Financial Distress

Restructuring your company through Chapter 11 is often the only solution for a company that is experiencing financial distress. However, many companies will attempt an out-of-court restructuring prior to eventually filing Chapter 11 bankruptcy. If you are not sure which option is the best for you, it's a good idea to consult with a bankruptcy lawyer. The Challenges of an Out-Of-Court Restructuring You might wish to avoid going to court because it is more expensive than restructuring out-of-court.   Read More...

Will Bankruptcy Threaten Your Job Security?

Hard-working individuals may be facing Chapter 7 bankruptcy no matter how they try to avoid it. While filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy requires a lot of thought and consideration, like most things, the impact is not as severe as some might think. One aspect of bankruptcy some worry about is how it might affect their employment. For those concerned about their job security after filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy, learn more by reading below.   Read More...